Hadean Lands: HL Game Recipes

Copyright 2014-6 by Andrew Plotkin.

This source code is provided for personal, educational use only. The story and text of Hadean Lands belong to me; you may not use them or create derivative works which contain them. However, you have permission to use the programming techniques of this game in your own works, and you may use the source code excluding game text.

Version 1 of HL Game Recipes by Andrew Plotkin begins here.
Use authorial modesty.
Section - Bits of Paper (and Sparks)
The sh-rust-remover is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "sheet of instructions".
The home-location is the 2nd-lab-table.
The description is "[tutor tut-read-instructions]You pick up the sheet, and find Sergeant Brooks['] familiar scrawl. [description of the original-orders-note][para]The other side is printed in the familiar smudgy blackletter of Navy receipts. [description of unrust-brass-inscription][para]The syllables of the Saturation formula are spelled out below. And scrawled beneath that: 'Resinous note -- wave the rosemary, swabbie.'"
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-rust-remover:
    add the unrust-brass-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the Lesser Phlogistical Saturation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the resinous-note-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the original-orders-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-fungicide is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "rust-stained sheet".
The home-location is the mech-cabinet.
The description is "You pick up the sheet. It's a potion receipt. [description of fungicide-creation] The binding is spelled out below."
Understand "rust-stained", "stained" as the sh-fungicide.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-fungicide:
    add the fungicide-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the binding-antipathy to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-chem-combo-note is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "torn sheet".
The home-location is the mech-cabinet.
The description is "[description of chem-combo-note] You don't recognize the handwriting."
Understand "torn" as the sh-chem-combo-note.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-chem-combo-note:
    add the chem-combo-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-super-rust-remover is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "moldy sheet".
The home-location is the Herb-Crawl.
The description is "'[super-rust-remover-note].'".
Understand "moldy", "alchemical" as the sh-super-rust-remover.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-super-rust-remover:
    add the super-unrust-brass-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-gen-rust-remover is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "crumpled sheet".
The home-location is the Mech-Store.
The description is "[description of gen-unrust-brass-inscription] The text of the categorical imperative is jotted below.[para]On the reverse side, Sergeant Brooks has written: 'Practice this ritual, using the adjustable bound. Platinum wire will create a catalytic environment -- if other elements (aromas) do not contaminate the area! Tools are available in the lab.' This must be a lesson for the advanced students."
Understand "crumpled" as the sh-gen-rust-remover.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-gen-rust-remover:
    add the gen-unrust-brass-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the catalytic-env-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the categorical imperative to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-chem-lab-1 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "folded sheet".
The home-location is the Chem-Lab.
The description is "This paper appears to be a student's notes, from some advanced class. It spells out two formulae: a word of entension, which delays or lengthens a chymical reaction, and a word of culmination, which resolves the same."
Understand "folded" as the sh-chem-lab-1.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-chem-lab-1:
    add the culmination-word to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the entension-word to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-chem-lab-2 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "wrinkled sheet".
The home-location is the Chem-Lab.
The description is "This appears to be an instructor's notes for a lecture. [description of copper-calcine-note]".
Understand "wrinkled" as the sh-chem-lab-2.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-chem-lab-2:
    add the copper-calcine-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-oculus is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "discarded sheet".
The home-location is the Lab-Hall-SW.
The description is "Somebody has dropped yet another alchemical recipe. Oh, this is useful -- you've used an oculus before, but never learned to create one.[para][description of oculus-creation][para][if resonant-tone is not known and counterbalance is not known]You're not sure what tone and syllable the recipe is referring to. But the[else]The[end if] mention of the 'gestalt shelf' jogs loose a memory of another lecture."
Understand "discarded" as the sh-oculus.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-oculus:
    add the oculus-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the gestalt-lecture-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-earth-note is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "scrawled sheet".
The home-location is the Opt-Lab.
The description is "You pick up the sheet, and find a formal (if hastily scrawled) receipt for the use of elemental earth in an optickal bench setup. [description of earth-return-note][para](You look down at the wreckage of the bench, and wince.)"
Understand "scrawled" as the sh-earth-note.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-earth-note:
    add the earth-return-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-tempering is a memspark. The printed name is "violet spark".
It is in the Opt-Lab.
The description is "It concerns the pronunciation of the Crystalline Tempering. This formula seems to aid crystal formation in mineral substances."
Understand "violet" as the sh-tempering.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-tempering:
    add the Crystalline Tempering to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-opt-store-1 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "scribbled sheet".
The home-location is the opt-store-bin.
The description is "You've found another student's notes. A formula is scribbled on one side: the Anodyne Evocation, which aids the growth of the body.[para]On the back are some comments from a chymistry lecture: [description of percalcination-note]".
Understand "scribbled", "scribble" as the sh-opt-store-1.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-opt-store-1:
    add the Anodyne Evocation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the percalcination-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-opt-store-2 is a memspark. The printed name is "cyan spark".
It is in the Opt-Store.
The description is "The text being read describes an alchemical tool. [description of purity-creation]".
Understand "cyan" as the sh-opt-store-2.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-opt-store-2:
    add the purity-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the Minor Animus to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-disp-brush is a memspark. The printed name is "magenta spark".
It is in the Safe-Nook.
The description is "The text being read describes an alchemical tool. [description of dispersal-brush-creation]".
Understand "magenta" as the sh-disp-brush.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-disp-brush:
    add the dispersal-brush-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-lab-library-1 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "neat sheet".
The home-location is the Library.
The description is "The paper explains how to sing a resonant tone, which resonates with the structure of matter."
Understand "neat" as the sh-lab-library-1.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-lab-library-1:
    add the resonant-tone to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-lab-library-2 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "untidy sheet".
The home-location is the Library.
The description is "It's another alchemical recipe. [description of fire-resistance-creation][para]You recall, from an unusually digressive lecture, that one never uses the chymic retort for potions intended to be drunk."
Understand "untidy" as the sh-lab-library-2.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-lab-library-2:
    add the counterbalance to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the fire-resistance-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the potions-lecture-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-study-room-1 is a memspark. The printed name is "apricot spark".
It is in the Study-Room.
The description is "It concerns a formula. [description of ka-seal-word]".
Understand "apricot" as the sh-study-room-1.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-study-room-1:
    add the ka-seal-word to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-study-room-2 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "torn sheet".
The home-location is the Study-Room.
The description is "This is another potion receipt. [description of breath-holding-creation][para]You recall, from an unusually digressive lecture, that one never uses the chymic retort for potions intended to be drunk. You're also pretty sure that exhilarant symbolism has to do with wind, air, and breath. Also, for some reason, seaweed."
Understand "torn" as the sh-study-room-2.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-study-room-2:
    add the breath-holding-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the potions-lecture-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the exhilarant-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-study-room-3 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "filthy sheet".
The home-location is the Study-Room.
The description is "This describes the creation of an alchemical instrument. [description of lens-creation]".
Understand "filthy" as the sh-study-room-3.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-study-room-3:
    add the lens-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-anaphylaxis is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "tiny sheet".
The home-location is the Under-Ward.
The description is "The sheet describes another formula. [description of anaphylaxis-word]".
Understand "tiny" as the sh-anaphylaxis.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-anaphylaxis:
    add the anaphylaxis-word to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-gold-ignite is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "broad sheet".
The home-location is the Junior-Quarters.
The description is "This seems to be a practical assignment for the junior alchemists. [description of white-fuse-note] You recognize Sergeant Brooks['] handwriting. He really treats the juniors much more kindly than the swabbies, doesn't he.[para]Printed on the back of the sheet are the formal instructions: [description of gold-ignition]".
Understand "broad" as the sh-gold-ignite.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-gold-ignite:
    add the gold-ignition to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the white-fuse-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-glass-passer is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "lesson sheet".
The home-location is the junior-fuse-cabinet.
The description is "This looks like an assignment for junior-level alchemists. [description of glass-pass-inscription]".
Understand "lesson" as the sh-glass-passer.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-glass-passer:
    add the glass-pass-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-rector-1 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "fine sheet".
The home-location is the rec-desk.
The description is "The paper describes two mathematical structures: an isomorphic group and an idempotent group."
Understand "fine" as the sh-rector-1.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-rector-1:
    add the idempotent group to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the isomorphic group to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-rector-2 is a memspark. The printed name is "periwinkle spark".
It is in the Rector-Quarters.
The description is "The subject is an advanced aura inscription. [description of aura-invisibility-inscription]".
Understand "periwinkle" as the sh-rector-2.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-rector-2:
    add the aura-invisibility-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the spiritual-env-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-rector-3 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "rough sheet".
The home-location is the rec-desk.
The description is "[description of aura-toughen-inscription] Then, on the back: [description of spiritual-env-note]".
Understand "rough" as the sh-rector-3.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-rector-3:
    add the aura-toughen-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the spiritual-env-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-phlo-electrum is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "shiny sheet".
The home-location is Captain-Quarters;
The description is "It appears to be a research note. [description of phlo-electrum-creation] Then, on the back: [description of phloing-electrum-note]".
Understand "shiny" as the sh-phlo-electrum.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-phlo-electrum:
    add the phlo-electrum-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the phloing-electrum-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-great-marriage is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "ornate sheet".
The home-location is the capq-cabinet.
The description is "This receipt is not Navy printing. It's hand-written; not neatly, perhaps in haste. And it reads like a bad joke.[para][description of great-marriage]".
Understand "ornate" as the sh-great-marriage.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-great-marriage:
    add the great-marriage to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the marcher-seal-word to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-observatory-1 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "coarse sheet".
The home-location is the Obs-Nook.
The description is "[description of viridigris-creation]".
Understand "coarse" as the sh-observatory-1.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-observatory-1:
    add the viridigris-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the Phlogistical Catalysis to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-observatory-2 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "delicate sheet".
The home-location is the Obs-Nook.
The description is "[description of sublime-creation]".
Understand "delicate" as the sh-observatory-2.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-observatory-2:
    add the sublime-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-scaphe-body is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "crumpled sheet".
The home-location is the scaphe-bench.
The description is "This explains the Binding of the Celestial Sphere, which is used in rituals involving astrological constructs."
Understand "crumpled" as the sh-scaphe-body.
[I keep wanting to memspark this sheet, but it's a prereq for the planetary-lens and I don't want the oculus to block that path.]
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-scaphe-body:
    add the Celestial Sphere to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-sfuse-cabinet-1 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "plain sheet".
The home-location is the scaphe-fuse-cabinet.
The description is "[description of clock-tincture-creation]".
Understand "plain" as the sh-sfuse-cabinet-1 .
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-sfuse-cabinet-1:
    add the clock-tincture-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the shamash-seal-word to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-sfuse-cabinet-2 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "creased sheet".
The home-location is the scaphe-fuse-cabinet.
The description is "[description of bronze-magnet-inscription]".
Understand "creased" as the sh-sfuse-cabinet-2.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-sfuse-cabinet-2:
    add the bronze-magnet-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-deck-cabinet-1 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "ripped sheet".
The home-location is the deck-cabinet.
The description is "[description of lead-heavy-inscription]".
Understand "ripped" as the sh-deck-cabinet-1 .
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-deck-cabinet-1:
    add the lead-heavy-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-deck-cabinet-2 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "folded sheet".
The home-location is deck-cabinet.
The description is "The paper has a description of two vowel-heavy formulae, the Mediate Anima and the Relative Anima. Both are concerned with relations between moving objects."
Understand "folded" as the sh-deck-cabinet-2 .
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-deck-cabinet-2:
    add the Relative Anima to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the Mediate Anima to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-med-gunk-cabinet-1 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "glossy sheet".
The home-location is the med-gunk-cabinet.
The description is "[description of aura-imi-quartz-inscription]".
Understand "glossy" as the sh-med-gunk-cabinet-1 .
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-med-gunk-cabinet-1:
    add the aura-imi-quartz-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-med-gunk-cabinet-2 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "dull sheet".
The home-location is the med-gunk-cabinet.
The description is "[description of centrality-creation]".
Understand "dull" as the sh-med-gunk-cabinet-2 .
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-med-gunk-cabinet-2:
    add the centrality-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the mithraic-seal-word to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-major-animus is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "narrow sheet".
The home-location is the Med-Lab.
The description is "You pick up the sheet. It details a formula: a Major Animus[if Minor Animus is known] -- similar to the Minor Animus, but capable of directly manipulating physical objects rather than merely guiding their movements[else], which is capable of directly manipulating physical objects[end if]."
Understand "narrow" as the sh-major-animus.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-major-animus:
    add the Major Animus to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-scalpel-inscription is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "ragged sheet".
The home-location is the Med-Lab.
The description is "[description of scalpel-inscription]".
Understand "ragged" as the sh-scalpel-inscription.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-scalpel-inscription:
    add the scalpel-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-deep-stacks-1 is a memspark. The printed name is "indigo spark".
It is in the Deep-Stacks.
The description is "It concerns the synthesis of an alchemical compound. [description of perfect-mud-creation]".
Understand "indigo" as the sh-deep-stacks-1 .
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-deep-stacks-1:
    add the perfect-mud-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-deep-stacks-2 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "moldering sheet".
The home-location is Deep-Stacks.
The description is "The paper describes two mathematical structures: a symmetric sequence and an antisymmetric sequence."
Understand "moldering", "moldy" as the sh-deep-stacks-2 .
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-deep-stacks-2:
    add the antisymmetric sequence to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the symmetric sequence to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-deep-stacks-3 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "stained sheet".
The home-location is nothing. [in coral]
The description is "[description of Gaian-precip-creation]".
Understand "stained" as the sh-deep-stacks-3 .
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-deep-stacks-3:
    add the Gaian-precip-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-phleg-sealing is a memspark. The printed name is "sepia spark".
It is in the Chasm-S.
The description is "It concerns a phlegmatic sealing word. It has a stable, passive pattern -- Yin in the Oriental traditions, cool and moist in the Greek."
Understand "sepia" as the sh-phleg-sealing .
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-phleg-sealing:
    add the phlegmatic-seal-word to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-vacuum-protection is a memspark. The printed name is "lavender spark".
It is in the Nave-Crawl.
The description is "It concerns a potion. [description of vacuum-protection-creation]".
Understand "lavender" as the sh-vacuum-protection .
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-vacuum-protection:
    add the vacuum-protection-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-aither-protection is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "dirty sheet".
The home-location is nothing. [search once nave-debris-fact is known]
The description is "You pick up the sheet. It's a potion receipt. [description of aither-protection-creation]".
Understand "dirty" as the sh-aither-protection.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-aither-protection:
    add aither-protection-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-fire-sucker is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "singed sheet".
The home-location is the nook-cabinet;
The description is "It's a potion receipt. [description of fire-sucker-creation]".
Understand "singed" as the sh-fire-sucker.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-fire-sucker:
    add fire-sucker-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add Greater Phlogistical Saturation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-stone-solvent is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "flimsy sheet".
The home-location is the nook-cabinet;
The description is "This recipe describes a specific solvent. (Which is far more useful than a universal solvent. Universal solvents just destroy your lab and kill you.) [description of earsolvent-granite-synthesis]".
Understand "flimsy" as the sh-stone-solvent.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-stone-solvent:
    [this ritual is not performable]
    add earsolvent-granite-synthesis to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-aura-imit-alt is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "singed sheet".
The home-location is the Charred-End.
The description is "[description of aura-imi-jade-inscription]".
Understand "singed", "smoking" as the sh-aura-imit-alt.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-aura-imit-alt:
    add aura-imi-jade-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add Chi-Binding to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-bamuriatic is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "crackly sheet".
The home-location is the Deep-Stacks.
The description is "It's a reagent receipt. [description of bamuriatic-creation]".
Understand "crackly" as the sh-bamuriatic.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-bamuriatic:
    add bamuriatic-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-scaphe-dome is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "dry sheet".
The home-location is the Scaphe-Dome.
The description is "[description of diamond-perfection][para]A note on the back says, 'While elemental earth is essential for many procedures, a perfectly flawless diamond may sometimes be substituted. This is particularly true in the synthesis of caustic reagents.'".
Understand "dry", "dessicated" as the sh-scaphe-dome.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-scaphe-dome:
    add diamond-perfection to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add subst-diamond-note to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-tortoise is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "brittle sheet".
The home-location is the Scaphe-Bay.
The description is "The sheet is somewhat fragile after its exposure to vacuum. It carries an alchemical formula of the Oriental tradition. The Name of the Tortoise is an elemental invocation of water. (Everyone knows that there are five elements in China, not four, but this is the first time you've seen one spelled out.)"
Understand "brittle" as the sh-tortoise.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-tortoise:
    add the tortoise-name to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-brun-oil is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "greasy sheet".
The home-location is the Dressing-Room.
The description is "It's a reagent receipt. [description of brun-oil-creation]".
Understand "greasy" as the sh-brun-oil.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-brun-oil:
    add brun-oil-creation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-stone-table is a memspark. The printed name is "carmine spark".
It is in the Mineral-Maze.
The description is "It concerns the structure of stone. [description of stone-table-fact]".
Understand "carmine" as the sh-stone-table.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-stone-table:
    add stone-table-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-pitch-table is a memspark. The printed name is "fuchsia spark".
It is in the East-Side-Hall.
The description is "[description of pitch-table-fact]".
Understand "fuchsia", "fushcia", "fuschia", "fushia", "fuchia" as the sh-pitch-table. [I am the nicest IF author.]
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-pitch-table:
    add pitch-table-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-aither-poisoning is a memspark. The printed name is "puce spark".
It is in the Antechamber.
The description is "[description of aither-poisoning-fact]".
Understand "puce" as the sh-aither-poisoning.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-aither-poisoning:
    add aither-poisoning-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-crucible-gossip is a gossipy memspark. The printed name is "topaz spark".
It is in the Scaphe-View-North.
The description is "[description of crucible-gossip-fact]".
Understand "topaz" as the sh-crucible-gossip.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-crucible-gossip:
    add crucible-gossip-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-recursive-metaphor is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "partial sheet".
The home-location is the Quarters-Hall.
The initial appearance is "A fragment of paper lies in the junction."
The description is "You don't recognize the handwriting. [description of recursive-metaphor-fact]".
Understand "partial", "incomplete", "fragment", "fragment of" as the sh-recursive-metaphor.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-recursive-metaphor:
    add recursive-metaphor-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-shadow-gossip is a gossipy memspark. The printed name is "hyacinth spark".
It is in the Mineral-End.
The description is "[description of shadow-gossip-fact]".
Understand "hyacinth" as the sh-shadow-gossip.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-shadow-gossip:
    add shadow-gossip-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-antechamber-1 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "neat sheet".
The home-location is the Antechamber.
The description is "[description of subsumption-fact]".
Understand "neat" as the sh-antechamber-1.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-antechamber-1:
    add subsumption-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-antechamber-2 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "faded sheet".
The home-location is the Antechamber.
The description is "[description of fulcrum-inscription]".
Understand "faded" as the sh-antechamber-2.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-antechamber-2:
    add fulcrum-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-chancel is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "crisp sheet".
The home-location is the Chancel.
The description is "The paper is headed 'GRENDEL'S SEALING', and a phrase is spelled out in phonetic symbols."
Understand "crisp" as the sh-chancel.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-chancel:
    add grendel-seal-word to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-homunculus-def is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "fresh sheet".
The home-location is the Abstraction Layer.
The description is "The paper appears freshly written, but you don't recognize the script.[para][description of ch2-homunculus-fact]".
Understand "fresh" as the sh-homunculus-def.
The sh-homunculus-def is low-locale-priority.
The initial appearance of the sh-homunculus-def is "You notice a fresh sheet of paper by the door[if sh-homunculus-def is unknown]. Hm? That wasn't there before[end if]."
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-homunculus-def:
    add the ch2-homunculus-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-soul-1 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "partial sheet".
The home-location is the Garden-Maze-Center.
The initial appearance is "A fragment of paper lies by the hatchway."
The description is "You don't recognize the handwriting. [description of soul-1-fact]".
Understand "partial", "incomplete", "fragment", "fragment of" as the sh-soul-1.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-soul-1:
    add the soul-1-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-soul-2 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "partial sheet".
The home-location is the Barosy.
The initial appearance is "A fragment of paper lies nearby."
The description is "You don't recognize the handwriting. [description of soul-2-fact]".
Understand "partial", "incomplete", "fragment", "fragment of" as the sh-soul-2.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-soul-2:
    add the soul-2-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-soul-3 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "partial sheet".
The home-location is the Aithery.
The initial appearance is "A fragment of paper lies on the bridge."
The description is "You don't recognize the handwriting. [description of soul-3-fact]".
Understand "partial", "incomplete", "fragment", "fragment of" as the sh-soul-3.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-soul-3:
    add the soul-3-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-soul-4 is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "partial sheet".
The home-location is the Birdhouse.
The initial appearance is "A fragment of paper lies to one side."
The description is "You don't recognize the handwriting. [description of soul-4-fact]".
Understand "partial", "incomplete", "fragment", "fragment of" as the sh-soul-4.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-soul-4:
    add the soul-4-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-launch-def is a paper-sheet. The printed name is "fresh sheet".
The home-location is the Abstraction Layer.
The description is "The paper appears freshly written, but you don't recognize the script.[para][description of ch2-launch-fact][para]The Dracon Invocation is spelled out below."
Understand "fresh" as the sh-launch-def.
The sh-launch-def is low-locale-priority.
The initial appearance of the sh-launch-def is "You notice a fresh sheet of paper by the pedestal[if sh-launch-def is unknown]. Hm? That wasn't there before[end if]."
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-launch-def:
    add the ch2-launch-fact to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add the dracon-invocation to sheetlist-bare-array;
The sh-status-report is a memspark. The printed name is "colorless spark".
[Initially offstage.]
The description is "[description of ch3-status-report][para]And then: [description of fixit-brass-inscription]".
Understand "colorless" as the sh-status-report.
Rule for paper-sheet-processing the sh-status-report:
    add ch3-status-report to sheetlist-bare-array;
    add fixit-brass-inscription to sheetlist-bare-array;
Last paper-sheet-processing rule for something (called T):
    instead say "(BUG) No paper-sheet-processing rule for [the T]."
Section - All the Recipes
The description of unrust-brass-inscription is "[tutor tut-recipe]'FOR THE CLEANSING OF BRASS TARNISH: Prepare an atmosphere of fiery principles. Place a brass token within the bound, and seal it. Speak a word of essential nature, so that the properties of brass may be evoked. Compound the atmosphere with a resinous note. Then intone the Lesser Phlogistical Saturation to complete the token's investment. Place token directly on tarnished item.'"
The description of unrust-steel-inscription is "[description of unrust-brass-inscription][para](You were able to substitute steel for the brass.)"
To say super-rust-remover-note:
    say "REDOUBLED TARNISH CLEANSING: Deeply corroded metal may not yield to the basic tarnish removal ritual. In such cases, one must locate a more potent resinous element. Rather than the common rosemary or lavender twig, try a branch or cone from an evergreen tree. It may be necessary to crush the element to release its full effect". [no period]
The description of super-unrust-brass-inscription is "[description of unrust-brass-inscription][para]'[super-rust-remover-note].'".
The description of super-unrust-steel-inscription is "[description of unrust-brass-inscription][para]'[super-rust-remover-note].'".
The description of gen-unrust-brass-inscription is "'UNIVERSAL TARNISH CLEANSING: The basic tarnish rituals employ the law of similarity; a steel token removes rust from steel. To prepare a token that will work on [em]any[/em] corroded metal, one must prepare a catalytic environment, rather than a fiery one. Place a token of brass or steel in the bound and begin with a simple sealing. Recite the categorical imperative; pour a drop of Java spirit upon the token; conclude with the Lesser Phlogistical Saturation.'"
The description of gen-unrust-steel-inscription is "[description of gen-unrust-brass-inscription]".
The description of fungicide-creation is "'A BANE for MUSHROOMS, LICHEN, and OTHER FUNGI: Prepare your chymic retort with mustard seed and a sample of fungus, in a saline bath. Seal; turn on burner, and heat to a gentle simmer. Invoke the Binding of Antipathy, thus attuning the mustard's toxic qualities to your sample. Decant.'"
The description of coralicide-creation is "[description of fungicide-creation][para](You were able to substitute coral for the fungus.)"
The description of oculus-creation is "'TO CREATE A RESONANT OCULUS (an exceptional tool for observing unseen influences): Prepare an environment with lunar influences. This will require a bound with a gestalt shelf; place any lunar symbol on the shelf, but take care to exclude contaminating aromas. Then place a glass loop [em]within[/em] the bound and begin with a simple sealing. Vocalize a resonant tone to tune the loop in the Celtic mode, followed by a syllable of counterbalance to fixate it.'"
[Not in any paper-sheet; only appears once you create percalcinate.]
The description of percalcinate-creation is "[description of percalcination-note][para](You have created copper percalcinate.)"
The description of fire-resistance-creation is "'A POTION to RESIST ALL INJURY BY HEAT OR FIRE: This compound protects the drinker by balancing heat against cool -- these symbolized by opposing aromas. Place a measure of saline into a bound. Employ the simple sealing with [em]no[/em] aroma present. Release a fiery aroma; invoke counterbalance; change the atmosphere to chill; invoke an elementary word of binding.'"
The description of dispersal-brush-creation is "'DISPERSAL BRUSH: Conjured alchemical symbols generally fade after use. However, it is sometimes necessary to erase such a symbol directly. Touching the item with a dispersal brush accomplishes this. To create such a tool, place a feather quill within a bound in a neutral environment. Begin with a simple sealing; sprinkle alcohol spirits upon the quill; conclude with a word of culmination.'"
The description of purity-creation is "'TO CREATE LAVELLE'S LODESTONE (to locate elementally pure substances): Prepare a lunar environment, but [em]with[/em] a contaminating aroma. (This may require additional lunar symbology to outweigh the contamination.) Place a silver thread within the bound, and apply a simple sealing. Speak a word of essential nature; remove the aroma from the atmosphere; invoke a Minor Animus. When held and swung, this invaluable lodestone will direct itself towards a nearby source of pure elemental substance.'"
The description of breath-holding-creation is "'A POTION to HOLD ONE'S BREATH: By properly balancing the phlogiston of the lungs and blood, one may retain breath for several minutes without discomfort. Prepare an exhilarant environment; aroma is particularly important for this working. One will also need a paten of exhilarant symbolism, prepared on the gestalt shelf. Place a measure of saline into the bound. Begin with the simple sealing, followed by the Anodyne Evocation. Place a bit of elemental wood upon the paten and ignite it. Conclude with an elementary binding.'"
The description of the lens-creation is "'TO CREATE A PLANETARY LENS (which reveals symbolic associations of the celestial sphere): This will require two glass lenses of matching curvature. Prepare an environment with lunar influences, ensuring that the atmosphere is free of aromas. Place one lens within the bound, and invoke a simple sealing, followed by a word of essential nature. Let one drop of Java spirit upon the lens, and place the other lens atop it. The Binding of the Celestial Sphere will fuse the lenses and empower them.'"
The description of gold-ignition is "'IGNITING ELEMENTAL FIRE: Fire is the only pure element (of the European tradition) which cannot be refined from mundane matter. It must be ignited, and only phlogisticated gold can support its combustion. If one has a source of elemental fire, igniting a new wick is simple; but if not, the procedure is arduous. One must place the phlogisticated metal in a vapor crock with a bit of camphrost and burning blackwood -- the only flame hot enough to begin the reaction. Seal the crock. Once the camphrost's vapor pressure has built to the flash point, the metal will be ignited.'"
The description of glass-pass-inscription is "'TO RENDER GLASS PERMEABLE TO MATTER: Select a chime in the key of F sharp. Invoke a Helian environment (the aspect of the Sun). Place the chime into the bound; speak a simple sealing. Sprinkle pure sand onto the chime; vocalize a resonant tone; strike the chime, and conclude with a Relative Anima. Once the chime is invested, one need merely strike it again and embed it into a pane of glass. The chime's vibrations will permit it entry, and the entire pane will then be semi-fluid for as long as the chime resonates. But only attempt this with simple, flat sheets of glass -- curved glass has irregular vibrational modes, and the tuning will fail.'"
The description of alum-pass-inscription is "[description of glass-pass-inscription][para](You substituted the B chime, resulting in a charm to render aluminum permeable.)"
The description of glass-destroy-inscription is "[description of glass-pass-inscription][para](You substituted the Major Animus, resulting in a charm to shatter glass.)"
The description of alum-destroy-inscription is "[description of glass-pass-inscription][para](You substituted the B chime and the Major Animus, resulting in a charm to shatter aluminum.)"
The description of lead-heavy-inscription is "'TROUTMAN'S INSCRIPTION, to INCREASE THE WEIGHT OF LEAD: (This unusual ritual derives from the Subcontinent, but we translate it into European terms.) Create an anchored (Saturnine) environment. Place any common bit of stone into the bound, and invoke a simple sealing. Add a resinous note to the atmosphere; speak a word of essential nature; add a measure of Gaian precipitate. Conclude with the Binding of the Celestial Sphere, to align the alchemical axis (Earth-Saturn, low-high) with the mundane axis of gravitation.'"
The description of lead-light-at-inscription is "[description of lead-heavy-inscription][para](You substituted anti-Tellurian distillate.)"
The description of lead-light-cg-inscription is "[description of lead-heavy-inscription][para](You substituted counter-Gaian precipitate.)"
The description of aura-toughen-inscription is "'BRODZIK'S INSCRIPTION, to RENDER ONE'S AURA IMPERMEABLE TO HARM: Invoke an environment of spiritual peace. Begin with a quartz token in the bound; this represents the ka soul. Invoke the Ka Sealing. Place a bit of orichalcum into the bound, representing the ba soul. Speak a word of anaphylaxis. At this point, but no sooner, add a strengthening element to the atmosphere. Close with the Binding of Antipathy, to repel harmful influences. Touch the token to a subject, and his aura will be nearly invulnerable for a few moments.'"
The description of aura-invisibility-inscription is "'ROYCE'S INSCRIPTION, to RENDER ONE'S AURA INVISIBLE: Invoke an environment of spiritual peace. Begin with a quartz token in the bound; this represents the ka soul. Invoke the Ka Sealing. Sprinkle copper percalcinate over the token, representing the ba soul. Invoke an idempotent structure. Pour sublime spirit over the token; this represents the evanescence of the soul's name. Close with an elementary word of binding. This inscription will render the subject's aura indetectable to malign forces, though only briefly.'"
The description of aura-imi-quartz-inscription is "'OEHLKE'S INSCRIPTION, to MIMIC THE AURA OF ANOTHER: Invoke an environment of spiritual peace. Begin with a quartz token in the bound; this represents the ka soul. Invoke the Ka Sealing. Sprinkle copper percalcinate over the token, representing the ba soul. Invoke an isomorphic structure. Pour elemental water over the token; this represents the mutability of the soul's name. Close with an elementary word of binding. Touch the token to the donor, then to the recipient. NOTE: Imitating the aura of a superior officer is malfeasance under Naval law.'"
The description of aura-imi-jade-inscription is "'RIESENZWEIG'S INSCRIPTION, to MIMIC THE AURA OF ANOTHER: This is Riesenzweig's translation of a Chinese poem (attributed to Yang Wan-Li). The effect is similar to Oehlke's Inscription. Construct a meditative environment based on the Book of Changes. (One should use the central ritual bound of the house, as the symbolism of this tradition always places the five elements in perfect balance.) Place beads of iron and jade within the bound, and speak a simple sealing. Place burning wood upon the gestalt shelf. Invoke the Name of the Tortoise. Discharge elemental air upon the bound. Close with the Chi Binding.'"
The description of phlo-electrum-creation is "'THE PHLOGISTICATION OF ELECTRUM REGIUM: Phlogisticated gold is well-known, but it is not the only metal which may be alchemically charged. Electrum regium (an alloy of platinum and moon-metal) is by far the easiest; unlike gold, it may be phlogisticated with a simple laboratory procedure. Place a rod of electrum into a catalytic environment, and seal with a simple sealing. Pour yang oil over the metal and invoke an elementary binding.'"
The description of scalpel-inscription is "'MUSANTE'S INSCRIPTION, or THE PROPHYLACTIC SCALPEL: This token serves to neutralize malevolent auras and other dangerous psychic manifestations. Begin by placing a knife within the arc; the environment should be confused by a strong aroma. Invoke the Ka Sealing. Speak a word of essential nature; remove the contaminating aroma; conclude with the Binding of Antipathy. To use the inscription, wave the blade within a field of cleansing vibration.'"
The description of centrality-creation is "'TO CREATE MISUBA'S LODESTONE (to locate the center of a labyrinth): Prepare an environment of earthy influences. Place a silk thread within the bound, and a labyrinth symbol upon the gestalt shelf. Begin with the Mithraic Sealing. Pour a sample of viridigris over the silk, and then lay a shard of elemental earth onto it. Strike a chime in the mode of recension. Now lay elemental fire upon the labyrinth symbol ([em]not[/em] into the bound!) Finally, the Minor Animus will bind the lodestone to potential motion.'"
The description of clock-tincture-creation is "'WINFIELD'S CLOCK TINCTURE (to repair or realign clockwork): This ritual requires an environment of precision and order. Place a measure of alum into the bound, and perform the Sealing of Shamash. Add perfect mud; speak a syllable of counterbalance; add sublime spirit, then a token of brass. Conclude with the Major Animus. The resulting potion embodies perfection in brass, and will induce perfection in any brass mechanism it touches.'"
The description of bronze-magnet-inscription is "'A TALISMAN TO ATTRACT METALS: A common lodestone will attract iron, but to exert influence on other metals requires alchemical preparation. Begin with a Saturnine environment, and a bound containing a chime tuned to the desired metal. (Metal chimes are preferred, as glass may be insufficient to the strain.) Use a simple sealing. Surround the chime with zafranum, and immediately ignite this. Vocalize a resonant tone to prime the metal, and then strike it (without removing it from the bound!) Use the Mediate Anima to set the vibration. Once the ritual is complete, striking the chime will attract all nearby objects of the given substance.'"
The description of alum-magnet-inscription is "[description of bronze-magnet-inscription]".
The description of Gaian-precip-creation is "'THE SYNTHESIS of GAIAN PRECIPITATE: This reagent is of great value in rituals pertaining to the Earth. Prepare your retort with a measure of vitriolic acid; place orichalcum therein. Invoke the sealing and raise the heat. When the metal dissolves, recite a symmetric sequence (the symmetry induces a positive connection to the Earth). Measure in alum until the solution turns violet; then add pure elemental earth and reduce to a powder.'"
The description of counter-Gaian-precip-creation is "[description of Gaian-precip-creation][para](You used an antisymmetric sequence instead, creating counter-Gaian precipitate.)"
The description of perfect-mud-creation is "'THE SYNTHESIS of JACKSON-MUD (a perfect balance of elemental earth and water): Begin with a medium of simple sand, and the Hermetic sealing. Invoke the Crystalline Tempering. Add one of the pure elements to the retort, and speak the word of entension; then add the other, and speak the word of emulgence.'"
The description of bamuriatic-creation is "'THE SYNTHESIS of BAMURIATIC ACID: This substance is similar to muriatic acid, but even more corrosive and toxic. Exercise caution! Prepare your retort with the mineral fluorspar in a bath of vitriol. Invoke the sealing; heat until the crystal has entirely dissolved. Discontinue the heat. Add saline solution, but be sure to first use a word of entension (to prevent a premature reaction.) Once combined, a word of culmination will allow the reaction to complete in a controlled manner.'"
The description of viridigris-creation is "'THE SYNTHESIS of VIRIDIGRIS (the lower oxide of orichalcum): This process is quite simple. Place orichalcum and vinegar into a retort; apply the Hermetic sealing. Heat until the vinegar [em]just[/em] begins to boil, and then invoke the Phlogistical Catalysis.'"
The description of  sublime-creation is "'THE SYNTHESIS of SUBLIME SPIRIT (the eighth distilled essence of mineral oil): Place mineral oil and nickel into a retort. (Thin pieces of nickel are best, as the surface area must be large.) Invoke the sealing, followed by a word of entension (to prevent the oil from igniting). Introduce elemental fire into the retort to begin the distillation. You may then easily extract the desired fractions.'"
The description of fire-sucker-creation is "'THE FIRE-DEVOURER (a potion to extinguish even the greatest conflagration): Prepare a strong fiery environment -- several influences should be combined for this ritual. Place a measure of alcohol into the bound. Begin with a sealing word of passivity to oppose the alcohol's fiery nature. Ignite the beaker with elemental fire; this will provoke combustion despite the passivation. Conclude with the Greater Phlogistical Saturation. The resulting potion is of great strength; one vial, flung into a burning building, often suffices to end the danger.'"
The description of a solvent-synthesis-action-goal is usually "'TUCKER'S SOLVENT, which will DISSOLVE ONLY GRANITE: Begin with the Hermetic sealing, and a mixture of muriatic and bamuriatic acids. Add some elemental earth; use a word of anaphylaxis. Add a bit of slate -- this being the symbolic opposite of granite -- and conclude with the Binding of Antipathy.'[if item described is not earsolvent-granite-synthesis][para](Substituting [opposite mineral of the mineral of the item described] for the slate produces a [mineral of the item described] solvent.)[end if][if item described is a diasolvent-synthesis-action-goal][br](You substituted a perfect diamond for the elemental earth.)[end if]"
The description of brun-oil-creation is "'THE SYNTHESIS of SCHEPLER'S OIL, or YANG OIL: Place a measure of mineral oil into a catalytic environment. Seal with a passive (phlegmatic) sealing. Compound the atmosphere with a sweet floral element; speak a word of essential nature. Then add a bit of reed pith to the bound, and ignite it. While it yet burns, recite the Phlogistical Catalysis. The resulting oil will ease the flow of phlogiston through certain metals.'"
The description of diamond-perfection is "'A DIAMOND PURGED of EVERY FLAW: This ritual requires an environment influenced only by living stone; the deeper and purer, the better. Place a diamond within the bound and employ a phlegmatic (passive) sealing word. Sound a note in the mode of ostension. Place elemental earth upon the gestalt shelf, to serve as a template. Speak the Crystalline Tempering. This will bring the structure of the diamond as close to perfection as mortal substance can sustain.'"
The description of great-marriage is "'THE GREAT MARRIAGE[one of]...' (and there you stop for a moment, because half the alchemical rituals of antiquity are bombastically called 'the great marriage' and it means nothing more than 'I mixed things' -- but that's what it says) '...[or] [stopping]must be performed at the Heart of the House, in an Orderly Environment.' (...scribbled with an arrow: '?NAVE!') '...Employ the Marcher's Invocation to seal an empty Bound. Add a Signifier of the Marcher's Location to the Gestalt; waft a Resinous Note. Now add the Four Elements to the Bound, and invoke the Dragon.'[para]Great Marriage[first time]? Classical Greek elements thrown into an arc like beans in soup[only]? This isn't modern alchemical science; it's a fairy tale[one of]. It doesn't even say what it [em]does.[/em][para]No, wait, there's something scrawled on the back: 'THE HOMUNCULUS.' Sure, that clears [em]everything[/em] up.[or]. And the only indication of the goal is 'THE HOMUNCULUS.'[stopping][if not chapter-1-done][one of][or][or][or][para](But then why do you have a sense of urgency about this particular ritual?)[stopping][end if]".
The description of vacuum-protection-creation is "'MULDOON'S POTION, for SURVIVAL in VACUUM: This potion is a staple of marcher work, for it permits one to walk freely in Hadean lands for up to six hours. Fortunately the procedure is simple. Prepare an exhilarant environment and a measure of saline. Begin with a sealing word of passivity. Add highlime to the beaker; follow with the Anodyne Evocation and the Greater Phlogistical Saturation.'"
The description of aither-protection-creation is "'A POTION to RESIST FOREIGN AITHER: The most hostile lands are those where the very processes of life alter. This potion allows your body to adapt to these conditions -- for a time. Like many life-sustaining concoctions, this begins with an exhilarant environment and a beaker of saline. Use the Hermetic sealing. Add a measure of zafranum to the arc. Ensure that the atmosphere is filled with an exhilarant aroma; tinct it by igniting the zafranum. Speak the Anodyne Evocation; place a sample of salt on the gestalt shelf; close with the Chi Binding.'"
The description of fulcrum-inscription is "'THE DRAGON FULCRUM: This ritual requires a bound of metallic quicksilver, or a quicksilver amalgam. Place a stone token within, and speak Grendel's Sealing. Pour vitriol onto the stone (for sulphur and quicksilver are the polar principles of alchemy). Invoke the dragon's name, and conclude with the Relative Anima.' But the words 'dragon's name' have been scratched out. Below them is a smudged knot or tangle of lines -- as if someone had tried to copy a multidimensional structure onto the paper, without much success."
The description of fixit-brass-inscription is "'An intensional ballast may serve to support a failing alchemical construct, though only in the direst emergency, for the results are uncertain and of limited duration. The ritual is simply a refinement of the universal tarnish cleansing. Add zafranum after the lubanja spirit, and conclude with the Greater Phlogistical Saturation instead of the Lesser. The brass token will then be able to infuse phlogiston, at need, directly into the nearest construct.'".
Section - Tidbits of Knowledge
The aroma-lecture-note is a known tidbit. The printed name is "a lecture on aromas".
The aroma-lecture-note is proper-named. [Terrible hack, sorry.]
Understand "aroma", "aromas", "lecture", "lecture on" as the aroma-lecture-note.
The description is "[tutor tut-saw-lecture]You dimly recall taking notes on the uses of aroma in alchemy. Perfumes influence a ritual by adding elemental principles of the atmosphere. You might open an impet of ginger essence for a fiery ritual, or mint essence for a cooling effect. Citronelle is strengthening, seaweed has... something to do with breath... it was a tedious lecture."
The original-orders-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "work assignment".
Understand "work", "orders", "assignment" as the original-orders-note.
The description is "[tutor tut-assignment]'Ensign Forsyth: When you're finished scrubbing, get these calipers freshened up. You should be able to handle the ritual. See me afterwards.'"
The resinous-note-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "resinous note".
Understand "resinous", "rosemary", "note" as the resinous-note-note.
The description is "The Sergeant left you a scrawled note along with the tarnish recipe: 'Resinous note -- wave the rosemary, swabbie.'"
The dup-ritual-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "Blinovna Limitation effect".
The dup-ritual-fact can be ever-used. [when recalled, not resettable]
Understand "blinovna", "blinova", "limitation", "effect" as dup-ritual-fact.
The description is "[now-ever-used dup-ritual-fact]You distinctly recall a voice: 'No alchemical synthesis can create two of the same product on the same marcher at the same time.'[para]That's nonsense, of course. You've spent hours in the lab, working with the other apprentices, producing vial after vial of some tedious reagent. There's no such rule. But now you remember it."
The catalytic-env-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "catalytic environment".
Understand "catalytic", "environment" as the catalytic-env-note.
The description is "The adjustable bound is by the Mechanica Lab. 'Platinum wire will create a catalytic environment -- if other elements (aromas) do not contaminate the area!'"
The chem-combo-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "crawlway access combination".
Understand "crawlway", "access", "combo", "combination" as the chem-combo-note.
The description is "'I've sealed off the chymic lab access so that nobody stumbles into anything. If you need in: Mars, Luna, Jupiter. --JA'.".
The gestalt-lecture-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "a lecture on gestalt shelves".
The gestalt-lecture-note is proper-named. [Terrible hack, sorry.]
Understand "gestalt", "gestalts", "shelf", "shelves", "lecture", "lecture on" as the gestalt-lecture-note.
The description is "Aromas are one way to set the environmental influences for a ritual. For more precise control, you can use a gestalt shelf -- [em]if[/em] the ritual bound has one. (Not all do.) By placing specific items on the shelf before the ritual begins, you can apply precise symbolic markers to the environment."
The potions-lecture-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "a lecture on potions".
The potions-lecture-note is proper-named. [Terrible hack, sorry.]
Understand "potions", "potion", "lecture", "lecture on" as the potions-lecture-note.
The description is "You have never practiced potion synthesis yourself. (They don't let you poison people without a little more experience.) But you remember a lecturer mentioning that potions intended for human consumption are never made in the chymic retort; they're not compatible with the Hermetic Sealing. Instead, you typically start by placing saline solution into a ritual bound, in any sort of container."
The earth-return-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "elemental earth loan".
Understand "elemental", "earth", "loan" as the earth-return-note.
The description is "'Permission granted to use elemental earth for optickal mirror calibration -- [em]one day only.[/em] If you damage or lose the earth-shard, you will be on report until the Sun turns green. The [Retort] only has the one in stock!'"
The copper-calcine-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "copper calcination demonstration".
Understand "copper", "calcine", "calcinate", "calcination", "lab", "laboratory", "demo", "demonstration" as the copper-calcine-note.
The description is "'Lab demonstration #5: Calcinate of copper. Place muriatic acid and quickcopper (orichalcum) in the retort. Heat to dissolve, and continue heating until the green salt crystallizes. Note: product is unstable! Flush retort directly after demonstration; do not extract calcinate.'"
The percalcination-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "percalcination procedure".
Understand "procedure" as the percalcination-note.
The description is "'Percalcination: to repeat the calcination procedure. (Typically produces a more stable and potent reagent.) First, calcine a metal. Then seal the retort (Hermetic) and invoke the Crystalline Tempering to clarify the salt's structure. Add more acid to redissolve, and continue heating until a second crystallization occurs.'"
The safe-combo-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "store safe combination".
Understand "store", "safe", "combo", "combination" as the safe-combo-note.
The description is "The combination to the Main Store safe is Libra, Ophiuchus, Taurus, Scorpio."
The exhilarant-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "exhilarant environment".
Understand "exhilarant", "exhiliarant", "environment", "symbolism" as the exhilarant-note.
The description is "Exhilarant symbolism has to do with wind, air, and breath. Also, for some reason, seaweed."
The spiritual-env-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "spiritual environment".
Understand "spiritual", "environment" as the spiritual-env-note.
The description is "'Spiritual environment: meditative symbols on shelf. (Rainbow!)'"
The white-fuse-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "white-fuse challenge".
Understand "white", "fuse", "challenge" as white-fuse-note.
The description is "'Today's friendly challenge for the juniors: open your locker! The cord is white-fuse, a material which burns quickly and cleanly -- but only when ignited with elemental fire. I've left tomorrow's assignment [em]in[/em] the locker, so don't dawdle.'"
The phloing-electrum-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "electrum substitution".
Understand "electrum", "substitution" as phloing-electrum-note.
The description is "'While phlogisticated gold is commonly used to support elemental fire, recent research indicates possible substitutes. Electrum regium is the most promising. While it does not survive the usual camphrost procedure, phlogisticated electrum regium can be ignited directly from an existing source of elemental fire.'"
The subst-diamond-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "perfect diamond substitution".
Understand "perfect", "flawless", "diamond", "substitution" as subst-diamond-note.
The description is "A perfectly flawless diamond may sometimes substitute for elemental earth, particularly when synthesizing caustic reagents."
The aura-cloud-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "nature of aura clouds".
Understand "aura", "cloud", "clouds", "psychic", "outbreak", "vortex", "nature", "nature of" as the aura-cloud-fact.
The description is "An aura cloud is an uncontained psychic outbreak, a sucking vortex of vital energies. It's not a ghost, or a demon, but a less scientific age would certainly have viewed it as such. Any living aura that falls into resonance with the cloud will be drained black in moments. You'll have to protect or disguise your psychic signature, somehow, to pass the medical wing door."
The bird-door-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "Birdhouse defensive stricture".
Understand "birdhouse", "defensive", "security", "stricture" as the bird-door-fact.
The description is "The Birdhouse, like a few other high-security areas of the marcher, is protected by a defensive stricture. The door reacts to your psychic signature -- an ensign can't just walk in, so when you approach, the door gets defensive."
The ante-door-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "Chancel defensive stricture".
Understand "chancel", "defensive", "security", "stricture" as the ante-door-fact.
The description is "The Chancel is protected by a defensive stricture. The gate can only be opened by someone with a recognized psychic signature."
The calc-combo-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "ephemeris billet combination".
Understand "ephemeris", "billet", "combo", "combination" as the calc-combo-fact.
The description is "If the clock tincture is to be trusted, the combination to create the ephemeris billet is [em]zeta, rho, pi, omicron, iota, pi, beta, mu[/em]."
The stone-table-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "periodic table of stone".
Understand "structure", "structure of", "periodic", "table", "table of", "periodic table of", "stone" as the stone-table-fact.
The description is "'We are familiar with earth as a pure element in the Greek system. However, minerals need not be considered as imperfect approximations of a Platonic ideal; each has an alchemical structure, and we may discern relations between them. Thus, marble and obsidian are opposites -- white versus black, crystalline versus glassy, pelagic versus volcanic. Soapstone and basalt are another light-dark pair. Other opposing pairs rely on different relations. Chalk and flint are found together, but with different qualities. Granite and slate are formed by opposing geologic processes; so too sandstone and malachite. Porphyry and quartz are an interesting case...'"
The pitch-table-fact is a proper-named tidbit. The printed name is "musical theory".
Understand "pitch", "pitches", "music", "musical", "theory" as the pitch-table-fact.
The description is "'Music is the most complex of ritual elements; one might well call it [']obfuscated.['] We begin with the nursery-school lessons: the pitch A is associated with iron, the color red, the liver; B with bronze, orange, the stomach; C with brass... yes, you can all chant along. But this is simplified to uselessness. What of non-classical metals? We now associate C-sharp with rutilum, F-sharp with aluminum, G-sharp with nickel. Researchers have invented entirely new scales to deal with the spectrum of aither-metals. Then the Eastern Empire uses the well-tempered scale; thus while F-sharp is the mode of extension, G-flat is the mode of ostension, G-natural is intension, G-sharp is paratension, and H -- yes, there's an H -- is the mode of recension...'".
The dragon-lecture-note is a tidbit. The printed name is "a lecture on the theory of dragons".
The dragon-lecture-note is proper-named. [Terrible hack, sorry.]
The dragon-lecture-note can be ever-used. [when recalled, not resettable]
Understand "dragons", "theory", "theory of", "dragon theory", "dragon lecture", "lecture", "lecture on" as the dragon-lecture-note.
The description is "[dragon-lecture-note-desc]"
To say dragon-lecture-note-desc:
    [Not going to make this dynamic in the UI.]
    now the dragon-lecture-note is ever-used;
    say "A marcher is built around four incredibly complex alchemical constructs, called dragons. ('Because they'll bite you on the arse if you're careless,' runs the joke, but in fact nobody knows the origin of the name.) Pneuma regulates light and air; Baros regulates stability and gravity; Aistheta manages navigation; Syndesis binds the rooms of the marcher together and to its destinations";
    if not chapter-2-done:
        say ".[para]The dragons are the [Retort's] vital organs. Constructing each one took months of work by a crew of trained rectors. The idea that they've gone wrong is deeply disturbing";
    if dead-dragon-count is not zero:
        [Dead dragon info is always up to date in "recall dragon", so we repeat it here. Active/asleep status is messier.]
        say ".[para][The active-dragon] has subsumed [the list of dead dragons] and absorbed [if dead-dragon-count is 1]its functions[else]their functions[end if]";
    say period;
The aither-poisoning-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "a lecture on aither poisoning".
The aither-poisoning-fact is proper-named. [Terrible hack, sorry.]
Understand "aither", "belt", "belts", "poison", "poisoning", "lecture", "lecture on" as the aither-poisoning-fact.
The description is "'Newton presumed that the aither, as a medium, must be everywhere uniform, because physical and alchemical processes were everywhere the same. We now know the contrary: the [']laws['] of natural science are properties of the aither, and currents of alien aither flow between certain stars. Marchers rarely venture through these foreign belts, for the slightest shift of chymic law poisons human life...'"
The ch2-homunculus-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "homunculus definition".
Understand "homunculus", "definition", "def", "description" as the ch2-homunculus-fact.
The description is "'A homunculus is not a daimon or a servant. It is a seed of animation without volition, a quickening spark. It cannot act or move on its own; but in combination with other works, it may become something greater.'"
The resonator-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "alien fluid resonator switch".
Understand "alien", "fluid", "resonator", "switch" as the resonator-fact.
The description is "The alien technology is controlled by liquid metal contained within a circular arc, activated by invoking or visualizing the appropriate geometric sequence."
The maze-column-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "maze column indicator".
Understand "maze", "column", "indicator" as the maze-column-fact.
The description is "The polar oil will react if poured over an indigo stone column[if Mineral-Maze is visited] -- the column in the maze of cracks[end if]."
The nave-debris-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "crawlway debris item".
Understand "crawlway", "debris", "item" as the nave-debris-fact.
The description is "[if nave-debris is not ever-tried]Something is buried in the debris in the crawlway under the Nave. You're pretty sure you know where to search[else]Something was buried in the debris in the crawlway under the Nave[end if]."
The wreck-debris-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "wreck debris indicator".
Understand "wreck", "debris", "ceramic", "indicator" as the wreck-debris-fact.
The description is "The polar oil will react if poured over the ceramic debris outside the wreck."
The crucible-gossip-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "Cold Crucible gossip".
Understand "cold", "crucible", "gossip" as the crucible-gossip-fact.
The description is "'Well, you hear stories, right? Things folk see at the moment we rig out. Flashes, no more. The ghost of the [em]Cold Crucible[/em], lost and drowned in a Thalassan sea... Well, aye, I know the [em]Crucible[/em] arrived safe home, and never reported any trouble on Titan. Mayhap the ghost is what [em]didn't[/em] happen. Or what [em]will[/em]... Still want to gripe you were posted here [']stead of to the [em]Crucy[/em]?'"
The shadow-gossip-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "shadow comment".
Understand "shadow", "shadows", "comment" as the shadow-gossip-fact.
The description is "'...and when she looked into their shadows...' That's all you overheard."
The soul-1-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "soul mirroring fragment".
Understand "soul", "mirroring", "fragment", "nassib" as the soul-1-fact.
The description is "'...as alchemy's domain now encompasses the human body, the aura, and even the mind, we are left with the question of the soul. Could the human soul be can be created, destroyed, or duplicated by alchemical means? The religious answer is of course an adamant negative. Nonetheless, Nassib's investigation of the echo phenomenon is provocative, if not yet conclusive evidence of soul mirroring...'"
The soul-2-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "transition echo fragment".
Understand "transition", "echo", "fragment", "newton", "malamed" as the soul-2-fact.
The description is "'...in the three centuries since Newton and Malamed's first march, the experience of spheric transition has become commonplace. But our [em]theory[/em] of the phenomenon remains maddeningly incomplete. The [']echo['] is the most familiar mystery: the traces left behind, howsoever briefly, when any entity enters the Higher Spheres...'"
The soul-3-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "echo vibration fragment".
Understand "echo", "vibration", "fragment", "chuang" as the soul-3-fact.
The description is "'...Chuang argues that the soul exists in an as-yet-undetected medium, a soul-aither as it might be. The echo is then a transitory vibration of this substance. Lacking volition or identity, the vibration is not self-sustaining. Chuang's computation of the characteristic decay time accords with observation...'"
The soul-4-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "vibration technique fragment".
Understand "vibration", "technique", "fragment", "gopinathan" as the soul-4-fact.
The description is "'...to combine an aitheric vibration -- the transitory structure -- with a spark of animation. This is a well-understood technique to create a self-sustaining aitheric form, e.g. memory daimons. But if the supra-aither or soul-aither exists, suggests Gopinathan, then the same technique may be applied...'"
The subsumption-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "emergency dragon subsumption".
Understand "emergency", "dragon", "subsume", "composite" as the subsumption-fact.
The description is "'If one of a marcher's dragons becomes disorganized, the vessel is in serious danger. As an emergency measure, the faulty dragon may be subsumed into an active one, transferring its functions. The composite will be unstable, but may suffice to rig the marcher to a safe berth.[para]'Place a fulcrum in the active dragon's lair.' (A footnote here: 'Any lair will suffice, in fact; the fulcrum merely provides leverage.') 'Prepare an orderly environment and use the Marcher's Invocation. Follow with a symmetric sequence to indicate a forward transition (active dragon consuming damaged one). Conclude with the Dracon Invocation. This will summon the active dragon; one can then translate it to the presence of the other. Warning: do not allow the dragon's presence to cross the fulcrum node!'"
The recursive-metaphor-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "recursive metaphor technique".
Understand "recursive", "metaphor", "technique" as the recursive-metaphor-fact.
The description is "'...that the form or structure of a thing may be joined to the spirit or essence, thus replicating the thing itself, is the foundation of modern practice. Indeed, historians argue that the [']marriage['] metaphor of ancient alchemy prefigures this principle. But to apply it recursively, parsing the structure and spirit of [em]the spirit itself[/em], requires the utmost care...'"
The ch2-launch-fact is a tidbit. The printed name is "dragon reanimation attempt".
Understand "attempt", "dragon", "reanimate", "reanimation" as the ch2-launch-fact.
The description is "'It is now clear that the ritual must be performed in the Chancel. I had hoped -- foolishly -- that the Nave bound was sufficient; but my attempts there have provoked no reaction from the [Retort] at all. I suppose that, in attempting to reanimate the dragons, I am in a sense re-enacting the marcher's original investment. I must therefore maximize the sympathy with the Chancel rituals.[para]'I am not sure whether I can break through the security strictures, but I will have to try. If I fail, then -- whoever finds this -- you will have to try harder...'"
The ch3-status-report is a tidbit. The printed name is "extended status report".
Understand "extended", "status", "report" as the ch3-status-report.
The description is "[ch3-status-report-desc]";
To say ch3-status-report-desc:
    if active-dragon is:
        -- Aistheta: say "'The ship's compass has become disaligned; display does not function. Marcher transit in this state is risky. Recommendation: inscribe an intensional ballast and place it below the observatory[period]'";
        -- Baros: say "'The Barosy foundation has cracked, imperiling stability. Marcher transit in this state is risky. Recommendation: inscribe an intensional ballast and place it within the crevice[period]'";
        -- Pneuma: say "'The weather symbolism in the paper garden has slipped; air quality is impaired. Marcher transit in this state is risky. Recommendation: inscribe an intensional ballast and place it below the garden[period]'";
        -- Syndesis: say "'The pylons in the Birdhouse exhibit traces of oxidation. Marcher transit in this state is risky. Recommendation: inscribe an intensional ballast and place it below the Birdhouse[period]'";
        -- otherwise: say "(BUG) missing active-dragon [active-dragon]."
HL Game Recipes ends here.